heyyy it's winter wonderland time yees im all in the winterfeeling now holidays are so close and i really enjoy it already so showing you the clothes i wear inworld already for 2 weeks really wanted to post but there was always something else going on but now it's done and i really like it so hope you gonna like this too
Ow btw the sim i did the pictures at is a great friend of mine named Cross Voight he's a great vampire and nice guy , the sim is for roleplay actually 2 types one time it's a ccs sim and on the other side it's bloodlines friendly , so all fine for me as im registered in both hahaha , now about the sim it's an amazing sim with really great detail and so much work hours in this sim thats why i wanted to show you a little about it
so i just did a picture outside of main part in carthage but actually already love it, the winter flair cross put on the sim is magic and allows you to have a nice winter roleplay or just as i do, get ready for a lovely shoot and do pics on this sim, but to see a lot more of this great place you have to go and visit all so hope you gonna like it, then i love the sim and btw there are some things hidden, like catacombs and and and hahaha
Ok on the picture I'm wearing from Xanadu a lovely set called After hours in a purple color, you can wear the upper part in 2 different ways and you can take off the scarf or let it on thats your own choice, i actually love both ways
The Make up i choose is from Face Paint in a purple tone too, called Drama Makeup, really lovely set and the color so amazing matches great to the look and hmm I love it ^_^
The boots i choose this time are from Sweet antidote, a store i actually dont know that much yet but really lovely detail on those boots and they look really sexy together with my look .... don't you think so ?
The hair is from Exile just loved this short haired style called Miu it's lovely and makes me look a little more mature but thats my point of view, the skin as usually from Al vulo great one nothing to say there, the nails from Candy nails was the November group gift and some more from glow and je suis for the eyeliner and the lashes thats it actually here's the post *hugs*

al vulo- Vero* natural claveage bronze
::Exile:: Miu: Dark Blondes
Face make-up:
! FP Drama Makeup Purple
::je suis...::false lashes:: No.005
[ glow ] studio - Eyeliner. Dark Night
-X- After Hours Coat & Legging Purple (2 Version)
Candy Nail #BS Topaz *November
Sweet Antidote anyalia - Black