Hahaha yes so here's a little sneak in of a new release that will be out really soon , but its not released yet.
The sneak Preview is from .....
hahaha yees Mashooka , really amazing brand so lovely clothes and styles , the new release will be a nice romantic looking tunic with a matching dress band. Really lovely colors i saw of them but can't tell much more smiles
So here is the Sneak Preview of the :Mashooka: Raga tunic :
Ow and something NEW too, If you Join Up the Group from Mashooka for 200 l$ you will get this sexy Tunic on this Picture for free so Hurry up to grab your free GroupGift
Skin .::[ Felony ]::. Nyla Skin
Hair: Tukinowaguma Ariana Ebony
Hairbase: Miamai_Hairbase Black
Eyes:.::CStar::. Static Haze Emotional Eyes
Eyelashes: [ glow ] Eyelashes - Devilicious 00
Jewelery: :Mashooka: Lakshmi {gold}
Tunic: :Mashooka: Raga tunic {paisley-sky}
Leggings: Not released yet ... by :Mashooka:
Garnet Girl
2 days ago