ok second post for today bit different style
this time i show you a lovely outfit at this round of Going Bust at Cleavage
The dress is called BlackZebs RawRDress from Newtique , really sexy dress
no really i mean it its HOT ,
and you can add Lush Boobies as well as Lolas Boobies
i used the Lolas tango , just love them and really easy to use
The skin i use here is from 7 deadly skins called
Feebsrascals Special skin, which has a nice eyeshadow and lovely lip color
its a lighter tone but it doesn´t matter always great work
The hair i use is from Alice project, this time a bit newer version called Bells 2
also here you have a hud for the color change and it´s really cool and easy
The shoes i wear are from N-core and the left pose on Pics is from Eritopose
also available at cleavage for Going Bust
The other Pose is from Glitterati , did you know Glitterati is having a closing sale ,
if not then hurry over there because right now the poses are really cheap
hm what else to say
ow yes
i went to the Maria Lynn Kingdom for taking pictures
really its a lovely location here , lot of spaces to do pics and best you can reez here
so if you need a posing stand or whatever to do the best poses
friend poses or couple pictures
its here
and you can enter a photo contest as well
what to do
actually just go there and take a picture
submit it to the flickr group, tag the picture and perhaps you´re the lucky one
ok thats it for now
huggies and loveeee

Skin: 7 Deadly s{K}ins - FeebsRascals Special Skin
Hair: Alice Project - Bells II - Infinity
Boobs: Lolas ::: Tango ::: Mesh Breasts
Outfit: -NewtiQue- BlackZebs RawRDress- GoingBust @ Cleavage
Shoes: N-core COQUETTE Glitter Edition "Pink"
Poses: Oh! The Drama!! Pose from Erotipose for GB @ Cleavage
Picture taken at : Maria Lynn Kingdom
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